Who are we?

Who are we? Who are you? Why do we do what we do? All big questions in life for sure, but I will try to answer at least two out of three of them in this first post of ours.

For starters, we are a couple of artists who found each other in the this big wide universe, and fell in love. This can be interesting at times, because as artists we are SENSITIVE about our stuff, but most of the time it works pretty well. πŸ™‚

Recently, we have become a part of the homeless community here in the Dallas Metroplex. No, not how you might be thinking, we didn’t become homeless, yet. πŸ˜‰ But, we have started to volunteer at a shelter here in Dallas. The shelter is very large and it is able to accommodate a very large amount of people, but there are still people sleeping on the street just right outside the shelter. We know this can happen for many reasons, one of them being that the people don’t want to be in the shelter because of the rules. However, every time we leave the shelter it tugs at our hearts that these people are sleeping on cardboard in the streets of Dallas steps from a shelter.

This lead us to do some heart and soul searching. We really wanted to help in some way, but everything we came up with seemed not big enough for us. We really wanted to go big, we had grand ideas and we had no idea how to implement them, let alone fund them! We are regular people, for the most part. I am a mom, full-time teacher, part time writer, and crocheter. Edward is a great step-dad, full-time artist, and Domestic God. So we put our heads together and this little venture was born.

We decided to start a business that we could market and sell Edward’s art, and also give back to our community. I decided to throw a few crochet items into the mix, and we opened our Etsy shop. When we opened we decided that 25% of our profits would go back into the homeless community here inΒ  Dallas.

We are glad you are visiting our page and hope that you find our products helpful, beautiful, interesting, or all of the above. Please visit our shop here, and our Facebook Page here. We would love to hear your comments and feedback about our products!

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